Molecular Machines & Industries

#CellEctorFact No 12: Dedicated capillaries for your application!

The MMI CellEctor can be equipped with different microcapillaries to be able to isolate target cells and particles of different sizes and from different types of sample vessels. The thin glass capillaries, which are mounted in a patented protection device (EP2558899 (A1)), come in diameters of 10 – 160 µm. To be able to pick […]

#CellEctorFact No 11: We are here to help!

The Application Support at MMI is managed by our own specialists who provide user trainings, free email and phone support as well as protocols for various applications and scientific publication support. If you have any questions regarding your CellEctor or other MMI systems, do not hesitate to contact us!

#CellEctorFact No 10: It’s maintenance-free and up-to-date!

Although the MMI CellEctor system is extremely robust, service contracts are available upon request to preventively maintain the system in perfect condition. MMI is the only manufacturer of single cell isolation systems providing continuous support and upgrade options even for very old systems. Moreover, MMI continuously improves the CellTools software platform and integrates new features […]

#CellEctorFact No 9: Expand your system to multi-functionality!

The MMI CellTools software platform enables for seamless integration of additional MMI modules such as laser microdissection (CellCut) and laser tweezers (CellManipulator) by supporting plug-in software. The friendly and intuitive interface allows for simple expansion as well as easy and quick learning to efficiently work with all MMI systems. In combination with the MMI CellExplorer, […]

#CellEctorFact No 8: It’s a microscope!

MMI uses standard inverted research microscope platforms from major brands (Nikon, Olympus), thus we offer fully motorized or manual systems, with or without fluorescence, to meet your current and future needs. When not using CellEctor to isolate cells, the microscope can also be used for all standard applications.

#CellEctorFact No 7: Be precise!

The MMI CellEctor comes with a software-controlled 3D micromanipulator for capillary positioning with a repositioning accuracy of < 2 μm. In addition, we use a precise software controlled microscope stage with repositioning accuracy of < 2 μm. Once identified, you will be able to target and isolate your cell of interest accurately!

#CellEctorFact No 6: Shake it!

[youtube id=“M0z7R4NQWrI“] The MMI CellEctor is not only able to pick cells from suspension. The unique shaking mode allows you to gently detach adherent cells before aspiration. Your target cells will not be harmed and can be used for growing a new culture.

#CellEctorFact No 5: Pick them all!

The MMI CellEctor is able to pick cells and particles from suspension (patent EP2017083872 (A1)) as well as from adherent cell culture of various origins such as plant cells, animal, and human cells. Also rare cells such as circulating tumor cells, or embryonic cells from a cervical smear can be efficiently separated and isolated.

New Publication: Deciphering the early stages of viral infections

Reading the words virus or infection, most of us will think of SARS-CoV-2 and the latest infection rates in your hometown. But we will discuss a different kind of viral infection here: we will have a look at plant viruses and how they infect their hosts. Especially the early stages of viral infections in plants […]

#CellEctorFact No 4: Pick one at a time!

[youtube id=“fzJxEhRoit0″] The patented (patent EP2558721 (A1)) ultra-precise MMI CellEctor pump works with high precision and offers a resolution of 2 nanoliter to selectively acquire and deposit single cells.